Estrid Razor Review!

 We all struggle to find that special razor that feels good on your skin, so in todays blog post I'll be reviewing the Estrid Razor! 

Let's talk a little bit more about Estrid and how they could help us!

Estrid was created as the solution to our own shave-care problems. Shaving is a choice, as it should be. Estrid is here to offer cheap, cute and a super smooth option for shaving. They are here for any and everyone who feels like shaving from time to time and for those who don't too! What ever you shave and if you don't Estrid have always got you!

Estrid missions isn't just a razor. Estrid is a fairly priced, cruelty-free, quality razor which we all love to hear! It was hard from them to find the right shape and something that would encourage women to their brand. They wanted to create a razor that was cruelty-free and didn't have any animal products in the hydrating strips and they wanted to see all kind of beautiful people use it because nothing is quite more beautiful as all the different shapes, curves and shades of the human body, so they made their own.

My first impressions was how aesthetically pleasing and cute the packaging and razors are! The cute pink packaging and all the information sheets on how to change your blade and how to put your holder up. It also comes with a card to tell you how to take care of your cute razor!

The razor box set comes with:

- 1x solid steel razor
- 2x 5-blade cartridges
- 1x wall holder

I also received a case to match my cute Estrid razors! They come in so many colours and they all will spice up your bathroom! You can even purchase refills on so you can keep your cute Estrid razor forever!

I love the inspiring messages that are on the box, Estrid reminds us to take care of ourselves and to always focus on you and to put yourself first in any situation. This was one of my favourite messages on the inside of the box:

" Always remember, your body is beautiful. It s the most incredible amazing thing you will ever own and there isn't any other like it. You're one of a kind."

My review on the Estrid razor in one word is incredible! This is my favourite razor to use, I have sensitive skin and when shaving my skin always cuts and it's always such a pain but this Estrid razor didn't even cut me once! My legs have never felt so smooth and after moisturising my legs seriously felt like a baby's butt!

It's so easy to hold and to use and honestly it gives me excitement every time I go to shave because of how good and cute the razor actually is! 

You can get your first razor for £7.95 and you can get a subscription for one month, every second month or every third month and you can cancel any time! Who doesn't want smooth legs for £7.95!?

You can even use the holder in your bathroom next to your bath or shower and make it look cute! I mean who wouldn't want these cute razor on the wall in your bathroom because I totally do!

I honestly can't wait to continue using my Estrid razor and keep my legs smooth during all seasons! Click the link below and get your Estrid razor! They also create shaving cream, body oil, body lotion which looks amazing!

Click here to read more!

Get your Estrid razor now for £7.95!

Sending love,


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